Jennifer Vartanov


Jennifer Vartanov Merchant Industry Mrs. Jen Vartanov – Credit Card Processing Jennifer Vartanov Merchant Industry’s CHRO Jennifer Vartanov believes that through the success of her company, there is an inherent responsibility that falls upon Merchant Industry to give back to society. Standing strong on this belief and with the aid of her husband Leo Vartanov. Merchant Industry being lead by Jennifer, herself in this endeavor, has been developing several programs that help to give back to the people. One such program is currently being implemented in Haiti; where recent events pertaining to Hurricane Earl has lead to devastation within the country. The program consists of providing fast “monetary” aid to countries that have been devastated by natural disasters. These “quick response” programs provide much needed aid to the people and small businesses that have been devastated by natural disasters which will ultimately result in contributing to the stimulation of Haiti’s economic stature. This program will be a great boon to businesses that need critical funds in times of hardship.

Jennifer and her husband Leo are developing a similar program here in New York. With the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Irene which caused insurmountable amounts of damage that has affected residents in lower lying areas of New York. The Hurricane destroyed crops, homes and businesses leading to protests by all who are affected. Jennifer and her husband attempted to aid the affected communities by providing cash advances to people whose businesses and property had been destroyed due to Hurricane Irene. The husband and wife team went so far in their endeavor to provide assistance that they sought the help of their subscribed merchants to donate to the victims in New York.